Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela


1. Awards And Scholarship

Student of the Year
One Student from each class will be selected from Std.I to V and VI to X for Student of the year Award. A panel of all class teachers and subject teachers along with the Headmaster, will select the student on the basis of his/her academic performance (min 90% aggregate, as well as participation in Sports, House /Cultural activities, positive attitude towards the school , teachers and peer group , 100% attendance and uniform etc. The awardees will receive a trophy , and a certificate.
Get certificate students who attend school 100 %

2. Scholarship Awards For Meritorious Student

To motivate and inspire good performance by students, the following awards will be given to meritorious students in the SSC Board Examination .awards will be given by cheque at next years Caltural  Programme of school.


1.The top 10 students of class 10 th board examination are felicitated at the school’s cultural programme by handing over trophies and certificates at the hand of dignitaries including parents.

 2.Students who get highest marks in English in SSC Board Exam from class 10 th will get an award of Rs. 500 .


The school curriculum upto class X is based on the recommendation of MSBSHSE BOARD This covers the following subjects : English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, EVS, Drawing, Physical /Health Education, Value Education , Environment Education and G.K.

Primary School

Primary Education has been identified as the most crucial stage in the education of a child. Our greatest asset in Primary Years is the passion of our teaching staff combined with the energy of our amazing young students. A concept based and application oriented teaching methodology is implemented to develop an independent, confident and committed student. The primary school curriculum aims at building student’s sense of identity and cultural awareness along with stimulating curiosity in order to foster a spirit of discovery and enjoyment of learning. We equip students with the skills to learn and acquire knowledge both individually and collaboratively to apply these skills and knowledge across a broad range of areas

High School

From the Middle School, the curriculum takes on a broader facet. It focuses on a subjectbased curriculum using meaningful and rich assignments for accentuating learning experience. Middle school continues with the international teaching practices that are child centric and activity based and expands to accommodate more scientific inquiries and explorations. It is an integrated curriculum that prepares the students to meet the requirements of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education .that is offered at Ramchandra Naik School. Both the Primary & Middle School time-table accommodates a whole range of co-curricular activities in the field of arts, music, sports, and several clubs.


21st Century Learning Skills

Ramchandra Naik School is part of a global movement that aims to redefine the very meaning of education. 21st century skills refer to certain core competencies like digital literacy, application of core knowledge, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation, problem solving and critical thinking. The framework for these skills was formalized by an international organization called Partnership for 21st Century Skills. The modern educationist believes that these skills are essential for an individual to tackle present day challenges and excel in a competitive environment.

At Ramchandra Naik School we have integrated the imparting of these very essential skills into our daily routine. Children are taught not only to be technically savvy, but also to think on their own and solve complex problems that may not always be related to academics. They are taught to assess every situation that comes before them in a critical manner, apply their knowledge and make sound decisions. They are also taught to communicate in a clear and logical manner, both vocally and in writing.

Assessment & Evaluation

Scholastic Achievement

Each student’s performance is assessed over the entire academic year based on continous an comprehensive evaluation.The comprehensive school based evaluation certificate records students achievements in areas of physical, emotional and aesthetic development as well as coagnitive development. For this, the whole session has been divided into two terms. i.e.June to October – Term I and  November to April Term II. The final result will be declared on the basis of performance in term I and term II in the form of five point grading scale (from I to V) and eight point grading scale(Scholastic) and 5 point grading scale(Co- Scholastic) for VI to X as per State Board guidelines. The grades stand for the following distribution of marks.

Grade Percentage Range Grade Percentage Range
A+ 90% – 100% A1 91-100
A 75% – 89% A2 81-90
B 56% – 74% B1 71-80
C 33% – 55% B2 61-70
D Below 33% C1 51-60
C2 41-50
D 33-40
E 32 and below(Need Improvement)

From the Middle School, the curriculum takes on a broader facet. It focuses on a subjectbased curriculum using meaningful and rich assignments for accentuating learning experience. Middle school continues with the international teaching practices that are child centric and activity based and expands to accommodate more scientific inquiries and explorations. It is an integrated curriculum that prepares the students to meet the requirements of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education .that is offered at Ramchandra Naik School. Both the Primary & Middle School time-table accommodates a whole range of co-curricular activities in the field of arts, music, sports, and several clubs.

Co-Scholastic Achievement
Grade Percentage Range Grade
A Outsatnding A
B Very Good B
C Fair C
The ‘Achievement Record’ provides a holistic picture of the learner and would not give any negative input about the performance of the learner. The objective is to bring continuous improvement in the performance of a learner through constant diagnosis of gaps and difficulties in learning and helping him/her in overcoming them through remediation of instructions.
General Instructions
1 Regularity in Tests/exams is a must for the students
2 No test/exam will be rescheduled or taken separately on dates other than as mentioned in the date-sheet of the particular exams. Final result will be calculated based on the test/exams that the student had appeared during the session. No retest will be allowed, under any circumstances except if the student is representing the school in a co-curricular activity.
3 The student on medical leave will be allowed to resume school only after the medical fitness certificate in submitted.
4 No student is allowed to go home after the test and no half day leave permitted for any other reasons as well
5 75% of the attendance is mandatory to appear in the Annual Examination
6 Cheating or using unfair means during tests / exams will lead to expulsion from school or cancellation of the paper and zero marks be awarded in that test / exam.
7 There will be strict adherence to due dates for each Project / Activity given by the subject teacher
Exam schedule- create Time table of exam
Promotion Policies

Promotion to Higher Class

1 Every student is required to get a qualifying grade D (VI to IX) or above in all the subjects including the 6th additional subject as per scheme to study for the purpose of promotion to next class.
2 A student getting E grade (VI to VIII) in one or two subjects will have to improve his / her performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying grade D in these subjects
3 A student getting D grade (I to V) in one or two subject will have to improve his / her performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying grade C in these subjects. D grade in three or more subjects will result in disqualification from promotion.
4 The students of Class  IX and X will be assessed regularly through weekly test, Revision tests, Half Yearly, Preboard examination (only for class X ) and final examination. The final examination for class X  will be conducted by SSC BOARD where as for class IX will be conducted by the school under the guidelines given by State Board of Maharashtra.
4 No grace marks are awarded to students talking compartment examination.
5 A student failing in one of the subjects shall be placed in compartment provided he/she qualifies in all the other subjects.
6 Students who fail to secure 35% marks in any subjects will be detained in same class.

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