Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Beyond Curriculum


* Activities *

Our Activities Will Challenge and Develop Your Child’s Creativity ,Imagination ,thinking Skills , and Social Skill

‘ Education is not only a leader of opportunity but it is also an investment input future ’ - Ed Markey

There are lots of Activities In Ramchandra Naik School,Student Activity Club One Of Them, It is very Interesting  Activity For Pupils ,Pupils take full happiness through by this activity On Every Wednesday & Saturday


1] To Choose One Club Among From

2] To take Permission Of Parents For it On School Calendar Notebook

3] To take Permission Of Particular Club Incharge as well as enrolled his/her name

4] After Completing this Process Students Can’t Change His /Her Club

We Have Following Clubs for Two Section
• Primary Section [Std.1 st to 4 th ] Of HeadName Of TeachersRemarks
2Kho- khoShri.B.R.Bahule 
4ChessShri.T.S. Pawar 
• Secondary Section [Std.5 th to 10 th ]
Sr.No. Departments Of Head Name Of Teachers Remarks
1 Kabbadi Shri.B.N.Chaudhari  
2 Kho -Kho Shri.S.R.Pawse  
3 Cricket Shri.P.S.Solanke  
4 Tennis Shri.D.S.Aute  
5 Drawing Smt.P.P.Limbekar  
6 Dramma Shri.S.R.Jaibahar  
7 Dance Shri.S.R.Jaibahar  
8 Craft Smt.P.B.Gite  
9 Hollyball Shri.T.S.Pawar  
10 Gymnastic Smt.P.B.Gite  
11 Creative Craft Smt.A.G.Solkar  
12 Chess Smt.Dipali Suryvanshi  

"10 Ways to Be a Good Student "

Objectives :


Music is the best solution to any problem.

The Power Of Music makes all the difference to me with motivation throughout the Day

Paul Brodie

“ Music Is A Piece Of art That Goes In The Ears Straight to the HEART “

In Ramchandra Naik School Following Students are masters in particular Instruments Which are following.

Sr.No. Name Of Students Instruments Class Remarks
1 Mast.Prasad Sonaji Hiwale Dholes. Std.VIII
2 Mast.Durgesh Sanjay Choudhari Dholes &Tasha. Std.VIII
3 Mast.Nishant  Harishchandra Bhosle Dholes, Triangles, Std.VIII
4 Mast.Aditya Nandkishor Tambekar Dholes Std.VIII
5 Mast.Gaurav Prakash Hekade Harmonium, Dholes Std.VIII
6 Miss.Shital Shankar Wakhure Dholes Std.IX
7 Mast.Suraj Shankar Wakhure Dholes &Tasha. Std.IX
8 Mast.Yash Dipak Sathe Dholes Std.IX
9 Mast.Omkar Tanaji Patil Harmonium ,Tabla , Synthesizer. Std.X
10 Mast.Mahesh  Babasaheb Gite Dholes Std.X
11 Mast.Ashish Laxman Rathod Dholes Std.X
12 Miss.Disha Bhivsan Kakde Harmonium ,Piano Std.X
13 Mast.Harshal Jagdish Vaishnav Drum Pad ,Dholes Std.X
‘ If you want to shine like a Sun, first burn like a Sun ’ – Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam


EDUCATION is the most POWERFUL weapon which you can USE to change the WORLD

- Nelson Mandela

Democracy Means – A System In Which The Government Of a Country Is Elected By The People.

The word Democracy Comes From the Greek Words Demos  Meaning People and kratos Meaning Power.  In  true democracy every man and women is taught to think for himself or herself

Objectives :

In Our School we have students council As Per Democracy Of India Which are Following Students Council For 2020-2021.

Sr.No Departments Name of Students Remarks
1 Precident Mast.Nishant Harishchandra Bhosle
2 Voice Precident Miss.Ankita Sainath Padamwar
3 secretary Miss.Pranita Prahlad Gaikwad
4 voice Secretary Mast.Omkar Tanaji Patil
5 Minister Of Trip Department Mast.Aditya Nandkishor Tambekar
6 Minister Of Cleaning Department Mast.Jay Prahlad Solunke
7 Minister Of Assembly Department Mast.Prasad Shankarrao Bhujang
8 Minister Of Library Department Miss.Ankita Sainath Padamwar
9 Minister Of Sports Department Mast.Omkar Pramod Rathod
10 Minister of Discipline Department Miss.Archana Janardan Kuber
11 Minister of Health Department Mast.Amrut Sanjay Pawar
12 Minister of Cultural Department Miss.Tejaswini Satish Ubarhande
13 Minister of Environment Department Miss.Shravani  Rajendra Gaikwad
14 Minister of Yoga  Department Mast.Yash Balaji Salunke
15 Council Treasurer Miss.Pragati Gajanan Jadhav



Like You Have Never Won.


Like You Have Never Lost.

Activities & Competition As Per Our School  Planning 2020-21 

Sr.No. Date   Name Of Programme Planning
1.  17 th June To Celebrate First day of school 1. To tell meaning of Indian constitution as well as distribute free books to pupils.
2. 26 th June To Celebrate Chhatrapati shahu Maharaj’s anniversary and Rajmata jijau’s punyship 1. To establish student council. 2. To conduct Interclas good handwriting competition.
3. 01 st  July To Arrange Programme Of Ashadhi ekadashi 1. To arrange fancy dress & varkari dress competition, 2. To enhance culture day
4. 05 th July To Arrange Programme Of Guru Purnima 1. To conduct story  telling competition regarding students and teachers
5. 25 th July To Celebrate Festival Of Nagpanchami 1. To Give information about Farmer &   Farming 2. To Give Information about Nagpanchami
6. 01 st August To Organize Programme Of Lokmanya Tilak’s punyatithi and Annabhau Sathe’s anniversary 1. To conduct drama competition depend upon Lokmanya Tilak and Annabhau Sathe
7. 03 rd August To Celebrate Festival Of Raksha Bandhan and narali Purnima 1. To give information about narali Purnima, 2. To celebrate raksha Bandhan festival in school
8. 12 th August To Celebrate Festival Of GopalKala 1. To arrange Programme Of  Dahihandi 2. To Give Information to Pupil About Shrikrushna’s Birthday
9. 15 th August To Celebrate Indian independence Day 1. To celebrate our independence Day, 2. To arrange various cultural program for this day 3. To Conduct Drills Activities Also Etc.
10. 22 nd August To Erectile Of Shri Ganesh Murthi 1. To give information about importance of social festivals in our life
11. 01 st September To Arrange Programme Of Anant Chaturdashi 1. To Immersion Of Ganesh Murti 2. To Tell Pupils Importance Of  Eco-Friendly Ganesh Murti
12. 05 th September To Arrange Programme Of Teachers Day & Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s anniversary 1. To Celebrate Teachers Day 2.  To Conduct Teachers Day Activities In Our School
13. 17 th September To Celebrate Marathwada Mukti Sangram din 1. To celebrate Marathwada Mukti Sangram din 2. To Arrange Various Programme On it Like Speeches ,Drills, Songs Activities Etc.
14. 25 th September To Organize Pandit dindayal Upadhyaya’s anniversary 1. To conduct speech activity on pandit dindayal Upadhyayaji, 2.  To arrange Interclass essay writing competition
15. 02 nd October To arrange Programme Of Mahatma Gandhi’s  and Lal Bahadur Shastri’s Anniversary 1. To arrange cleaning activity in school, 2.To arrange oration competition
16. 15 th October To Celebrate Anniversary Of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam & Reading  Inspiration Day 1. To Promote pupils about Reading habits 2. To Develop their Reading Skill & Habit
17. 15  th To 30 th  December To arrange various inter class competition and game because of Anniversary Of the Organization. 1. To give scope to pupils for enhancing their  dormant qualities. 2. To Arrange Various Games Between Interclass Like .Kho-Kho, Kabbadi, Chess, Cricket and More Etc.
18. 03 rd January To Arrange Programme Of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule’s anniversary 1. To arrange a lecture on empowerment of women in our society.
19. 12 th January To Celebrate anniversary Of Swami Vivekananda and Rajmata Jijau Bhosle 1. To arrange programme of Speech On Rajmata Jijau and Swami Vivekananda. 2. To Inform them about  National Youth Day
20. 01 st To 25 th January To Celebrate School’s Annual Day Function [Depend Upon Availability  On Function  Hall ] 1   To give scope to pupils for enhancing their dormant quality. 2  To Arrange Meritorious Appreciation Ceremony.
21. 26 th January To Celebrate Function Of Indian Republic Day 1.  To Celebrate our republic Day 2. To arrange various programs on this day like speeches, Chorus , flag hosting, drills Etc.
22. 19 th February To Arrange Programme Of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s  anniversary 1. To celebrate Shiv jayanti, 2. To organised annual prize distribution programme.
23. 28. th February To Celebrate National Science Day 1. To arrange inter class science exhibition in our school (school level). 2. To Give The Scope To pupils For Developing Their Dormant Qualities.
24. February to 15 th March To Arrange Programme Of  ‘ Career Guidance Programme 2021 ’ 1. To Develop their thinking skill 2. To enable the pupils about Finding their future in this Era.
25. 01 st March to 15 th March To Arrange Programme Of Funfair 1. To give experience of functional life, 2. To give experience about practical life.
26. 16 th To 31 st  March To Organize Rangotsav 1. To enhance their quality of drawing. 2. To Give scope of their habit

Objectives :


‘ Education is not preparation for life , Education life it self- John Dewey ’






Yoga  Is a POWERFUL Vehicle For Change As You Build Strength You Start  to believe in Your Potential

‘ Working for success will make you a master But working for satisfaction will make you a legend’

As Per Every Year We have celebrated International Yoga Day In Our School On 21 st June  ,Res.Head Master Shri.Rajendra Pawar Sir Addressed to Pupils About Importance Of Yoga In Our Day to Day Life ? Which types Of Exercise we should do in Childhood.? As well as  Assistant Teacher  Shri .Balaji Chaudhari has been Explained Various Kinds of Yoga Like Surya namaskar , Various Kinds Of Pranayam  and Assistant Teacher Shri. Babasaheb Bahule  Explained Merits Of Yoga and Pranayam For Our Health as well as What is Meant By Yoga ? What is need Of Yoga For Our Daily Life ?

Objectives :


‘ learn from the past, live in the present and create your future - Joel Brown ’

In Ramchandra Naik  School As Per Every Year Planning  We have arranged Career Guidance Program For Std.10 th Pupils On 3rd  March  In Assembly Hall With Their Parents.Res.Head master Mr.Rajendra Pawar Sir Addressed to Pupils About Various Educational Courses By Using Power Point Presentation For their Bright Future  As well as Assistant Teacher Mr.Dipak Aute Presented Some  Career Courses that  Which will be helpful them For Finding their Future Or Career .

Objectives :

Opportunity don’t happen you create them- Chris Grosser

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